Quality Management and Sustainable Development 

Quality management and sustainable development are comprehensive, all-round themes in all vocational education and training and hence a vital part of Sampo’s education and training processes.

One of the central objectives in the development of Sampo’s operations is to introduce both quality management and principles of sustainable development into the institution’s core functions and processes. 

Quality management

Quality work is a part of every Sampo’s employee’s normal work, cooperation and interaction. When working individually, in groups or in organizational level, modes of operation are decided according to set of aims and objectives. These operations are monitored, evaluated and developed according to commonly agreed policies.

Saimaa Vocational College Sampo's quality management is guided by Sampo’s values, vision and strategies. Based on them, a common quality policy and strategy have been defined. The quality policy’s main principle is continuous improvement. Sampo’s quality management’s general principles, roles and responsibilities and strategic objectives of quality development are described in more detail in the quality management plan.

Sampo's quality management is based on the European Quality Assurance in vocational education and training, EQAVET and the Common Quality Assurance Framework, CQAF for VET.

The most important tool in Sampo’s quality management is a web-based quality system (Integrated Management System), which consists of for instance process descriptions, documents, indicators, and the operation and quality manual. The electronic operating system allows for everyone to see the common policies and review and develop activities as a whole. The process descriptions which were carried out by the same principle and by the common policy guidelines ensure harmonised activities in all units of organisation. At the same time it ensures consistent and coherent activities with the various stakeholders.

South Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium has participated three times in the Ministry of Education and Culture’s Vocational Education and Training Quality Award competition, resulting in two wins and once ranking among the six best.

Sustainable development

It is often said that at the moment, the adoption of a sustainable way of life is one of the greatest learning challenges for humanity. Therefore, sustainable development has been adopted into a systematic part of teaching and operations at Sampo. One of the objectives of education and training at Sampo is to increase students’ abilities and motivation for sustainable development.

One of Saimaa Vocational College’s values is accountability. This means, for instance, that Sampo takes care of its responsibility of the society by taking sustainable development into account both in education and training and other operations. A more organised focus on sustainable development is one of Sampo’s strategic objectives and is emphasized in quality policies.

Sustainable development operations at Sampo are directed by a sustainable development operations model, which has been approved by the executive group. In addition, the sustainable development coordination group promotes the application of the operations model into practical use.

For the years 2015-2016, Sampo has chosen the following as themes of sustainable development:

The Finland we want

Sampo has given a Society’s Commitment to Sustainable Enviroment on May 5th, 2015.

Sampo pledges to promote sustainable development in all their work and operations. In addition, Sampo has introduced to all vocational qualifications a Moodle-based study module about sustainable development (Keke-passi/the Sustainable Development Passport)

Read more on sustainable development in Finland: www.ym.fi/en-US/The_environment/Sustainable development


Pekka Turunen, Quality Manager, pekka.turunen(at)edusampo.fi, tel +358 400 376 442.