The International Study Path

The international study path is aimed at students who are interested in languages and foreign cultures. The path includes more studies of foreign languages and possibly an on-the-job learning period abroad. In the international path the student develops into acting in an international environment both in Finland and abroad and will acquire prerequisites for applying into further education.

Annually, about 70 students from Sampo go abroad for on-the-job learning periods of varying lengths. The students are able to go abroad either individually or via different mobility programmes.  (Erasmus+ and the Venäjä-verkoston sivut /

Most students head to Europe, to Russia, and to the Nordic Countries. The collaboration with Russia is on the focus due to its proximity and the amount of Russian tourists in the region. International on-the-job learning is supported by grants.

As a rule, a student can go to an on-the-job learning period abroad on their last study year when they have turned 18 years old. The prerequisites of completing an on-the-job learning period abroad are good proficiency in English and the progression of studies according to the individual study plan. The period abroad can last from 1 to 12 weeks.

An information session about international affairs is held both in spring and autumn semesters. In these sessions, students who have completed an on-the-job learning period abroad will share their experiences with outbound students. Sampo is involved in the guidance and supporting the students both in planning the exchange period and while being abroad. After returning home the students are required to write a report about their experience abroad and the experience will be recognised of prior learning.

Upon applying, Sampo can grant a student with financial support for travel expenses. In addition, the student may inquire about other forms of financial aids or grants from e.g. the local organisations, the target country’s embassy or their own trade union. Moreover, the student may apply (via the international coordinator) for a grant from the William and Ester Otsakorpi foundation.