International Projects and Collaboration

Sampo is involved in international projects with domestic and foreign institutions and companies. 

Participation in different projects enables the funding of international affairs at Sampo and increases collaboration with partners both in Finland and abroad. The projects are conducted via the Erasmus+ programme and Finnish National Agency for Education

In addition, the William ja Ester Otsakorpi Säätiö foundation grants students with financial aids based on an individual application. The Finnish National Board of Education enables international collaboration via various networks. rahoittama Erasmus+ liikkuvuushanke

Toteuttaja: Saimaan ammattiopisto Sampo, kansainvälisyyspalvelut

Hankkeen tavoitteet ja toteutus

  1. Kansainvälisen työssäoppimisen lisääminen

  2. Yksilölliset, joustavat kansainväliset opintopolut

  3. Kansainvälisyysosaamisen vahvistaminen Sampossa

  4. Työelämäyhteistyön vahvistaminen

  5. Kansainvälisyysjaksojen digitaalisen ohjaus- ja palautejärjestelmän luominen

International Learning Environment 2, ILE2 - Erasmus+ KA1 (2020-2022)

Comparing good practises in European countries, Erasmus+ KA1 (2019-2021)
Social and Health Care, Hairdressing and Beauty

Russian network /

  • Cooperation with countries outside Europe
  • Individual study path
  • Internationalization in home country
  • Benchmarking (teachers, experties and executies)
  • Cooperation in Viborg and St. Petersburg

India Network 

  • Cooperation with countries outside Europe
  • Benchmarking (teachers, experties and executies)
  • Student mobilities

NAVE2 - Network for the Advancement of Vocational Education in Europa 
Collaboration between four European schools

  • Saimaa Vocational College Sampo
  • Roc Midden Nederland, Hollanti, Utrecht 
  • Departamento de Education, Espanja, Navarra 
  • Concorzia Instuti Professionati, Italia, Reggio Emilia 

Aims of the collaboration

  • Increasing the mobilities
  • Increase international combetence
  • Increase quality of international on-the-job learning and quidance 

Cooperation and Net work on Business and Administration and IT
Collaboration between four European schools
  • Saimaa Vocational College Sampo
  • Lycée du Nord, Luxembourg
  • Lycée Professionnel Privé, France
  • Berufskolleg Halle (Westf.), Germany
Aims of the collaboration
  • Carry out quality mobilities
  • Get to know each others educational system and increase knowledge among VET
  • Disseminate good ways of teaching and guiding